
Deciphering Pathological Movement Patterns from Motion Analysis

Developing algorithms and biomechanical biomarkers from video-based 3D skeletal tracking

A. Exercise instructions, B. Video tracking, D. 3D skeletal tracking

Current work:
  1. Movement quality algorithms
  2. Mobile app for remote biomechanical assessments (see figure)
  3. Tracking biomechanical changes following response to treatment

MRI Biomarkers for Muscle Quality

Biomarkers for muscle quality and biomedical impairment using fat mapping

The coloring in the first two images shows the fatty tissue in dark blue. The image on the right shows the difference in fat quantification between T1 clinical MRI and IDEAL MRI. 
Radial analysis of fat quantities used for fat mapping










Current work:

  1. Algorithm development for understanding muscle quality in clinical MRI
  2. Develop fat mapping methods using radial distance from disc center of rotation
  3. Understanding how fat mapping relates to pain and disability in chronic low back pain patients

Digital Health for Tracking Symptoms and Predicting Response to Treatment

Phenotyping patient recovery and tracking pain data using multi-domain smartwatch data










Current work:

  1. Using Apple health kit data to track patterns in physical activity, heartrate, and sleep to predict pain flares
  2. Tracking recovery following treatments and surgery
  3. Predicting long-term post-op outcomes